Illuminate Job Aids

Illuminate: Support and Training @ Nye

Practice & Training for ONLINE:Online practice tests are available in Illuminate for teachers to use with students before administering the second interim assessment. The practice tests are short tests designed to help teachers and students become familiar with the online testing format. Attached is a detailed job aid with step-by-step instructions. Additionally, next week a training video will be available Monday. Please make sure the training video is viewed by ALL 3rd-5th grade teachers at Nye prior to administering Interim Assessments.

Teacher Version: In your Test Coordinator Kit, you will receive enough copies of the teacher version for each teacher. The teacher version of the test provides details about each item including the level of difficulty assessed, Depth of Knowledge (DOK) level, Smarter Balanced Claim and Target, Revised Bloom's Taxonomy level, and Common Core State Standards alignment. The selected response items provide a rationale for each answer option with a brief description as to the possible reason a student may select the incorrect answer. There are two constructed response items per test which will be optional for teachers to score. The rubrics for scoring the constructed response items are included in the teacher version. Please ensure that each teacher receives a copy of the teacher version.

Illuminate Student Login Portal

Illuminate Student Online Assessment (linked on Nye Student Page)

Job Aids

Illuminate Job Aid_Administering Online Tests (pdf)

UPDATED Administering an Interim 2 Assessment Online (pdf) 2/23/15

UPDATED Administering an Interim 2 Assessment Online - Teacher Instructions VIDEOS NOW AVAILABLE

  • NOTE: On 2/20/15 Illuminaterearranged the Add Roster page. This updated job aid reflects the changes made in Illuminate. If you already printed the original job aid and prefer not to print the updated version, use this cheat sheet to match the new format to the instructions in the original job aid.
  • The second interim assessments will be administered online throughIlluminate to students in grades 3-11. The online testing experience will help teachers and students preparefor the Smarter Balanced assessments. This step-by-step job aid thoroughly covers all aspects of online testing if followed carefully. The job aid includes access to online practice tests that provide teachers with an opportunity to practice setting up an online test and students an opportunity to feel comfortable with this new way of testing. After the first time through the job aid, it will probably take less than 5 minutes to set up a class for a test and less than 5 minutes for students to log in and begin taking a test. Lastly, the practice tests provide an excellent opportunity to make sure students can log in to the test site with their laptops and provide time to resolve any connectivity or student device issues before the actual test.
  • Two videos are available. Video 1 walks through the job aid and includes a table of contents to make it easy to "jump" to desired locations - 24 min - narrated. Tip: After opening the video, open a tab next to the video in your browser so you can easily switch back and forth to follow the instructions. If you have trouble opening it in Firefox, copy and paste this link into Internet Explorer, Chrome or Safari: Video 2 shows how to add a roster - 2 min - not narrated.
  • This job aid provides information on the graphs shown on the Overview page, suggestions on which assessment reports to start with and, for the Interim Assessments, an explanation of how the "optional" constructed response items arereflected in the overall scores and how to view student performance for just the selected response items. A related video titled Analyzing Interim 1 Assessment Data Using Illuminate Reports is also available on the Reports page.

  • Delete Student Responses

  • Providing Illuminate Access to Non-Teaching Staff

    Step-by-step instructions on how to give access to staff that have no students rostered to them or, due to requirements of their position, need access to all students. Contact the district's Help Desk if you need help with this task.

  • Job Aids used in Scanning Training

    Click on the link above to view the job aids used in the Scanning training. Job aids include printing, scanning and creating assessments.

  • Job Aids used in Online Testing Training

    Click on the link above to view the job aids used in the Online Testing training. Job aids include creating an itembank assessment, setting up an online test, link to the Student Portal and grading construction response items.


    Click on the link above to view the job aid showing how to view the Cumulative FITNESSGRAM for Grades 9-12 report or the 2014-15 Students to take Fall FITNESSGRAM report.

For questions regarding the second interim assessments, please contact Velvet Wright at[email protected]. For questions regarding Illuminate, please email [email protected].

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