Social Studies/Geography

.Red dot means new link

  1. American Symbols: Symbols of America multiple choice
  2. American Symbols: White House game
  3. American Symbols-Bens Guide: flags, statues, mascots and more
  4. American Symbols Game: flags, statues, mascots and more
  5. Benny Goodsport: A place to have fun and learn how to be healthy.
  6. California Coins Vote for your favorite quarter design
  7. California State Social Studies Harcourt social studies for grades K-6
  8. CIA Kids Page:Learn about the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
  9. Colonial-Clothing: Lots of information on clothing.
  10. Colonial-Middle Colonies: Lots of information on the Middle Colonies.
  11. Colonial-Middle Colonies Kids: More of information on the Middle Colonies.
  12. Colonial-New England Colonies: Lots of information on the Middle Colonies.
  13. Colonial-New England Colonies Kids: More of information on the Middle Colonies.
  14. Colonial-Southern Colonies: Lots of information on the Middle Colonies.
  15. Colonial-Southern Colonies Kids: More of information on the Middle Colonies.
  16. Colonial Quiz: How much do you know? Based on 5th grade curriculum.
  17. Colonial Websites: Created by a 5th grade class
  18. Colonial: Archaeology: A place to have fun and learn about colonial archaeology.
  19. Colonial Passport: Passport to colonial times
  20. Colonial: Trades: Trades and jobs
  21. Colonial: Trades: What were the different trades in Colonial America?
  22. Continents and Oceans-Test Your Geography Knowledge: Quiz of the continents?
  23. Continents and Oceans-All About Geography: Test your knowledge of the continents?
  24. Continents and Oceans: Multiple choice quiz on your knowledge of the continents?
  25. Continents and Oceans Quiz: Multiple choice quiz on your knowledge of the continents?
  26. Early America Learn about the Constitution, the Bill of Rights US history and more...
  27. Egypt Fun Guide: A fun site from Sea World with games, puzzles, and facts about ancient Egypt.
  28. Explorers Explorers 5th Grade
  29. Explorers Explorer informational sites
  30. Explorers Explorer links
  31. Explorers-Interactive Map of Explorations View explorers routes.
  32. Explorers Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo
  33. Explorers Hernando Cortéz
  34. Explorers Hernando Cortés wiki info
  35. Explorers Ponce de Léon
  36. Explorers Vasco Nuñez de Balboa
  37. Explorers Maps
  38. Exploration Learn about and take virtual tours of many countries.
  39. Famous Americans- Mrs. P's Page teacher created page
  40. Famous American- Americas Story from the Library of Congress
  41. Famous American- Kidport Reference Library for kids
  42. Famous American-Wiki Biographies Written in simple english
  43. Famous American-Info USAA tour of famous Americans (scroll down for list)
  44. Famous American- Civil Rights Videos of Famous Civil Rights Leaders
  45. Fun Stuff ROM: Activities in archeology, fossils, cuneiform, and more! Make your own mummy!!!
  46. Geographia:Take a look at various countries and their cultures around the world.
  47. Harcourt Brace Social Studies
  48. Landforms & Bodies of Water 1:Landforms and bodies of water and get lots of information.
  49. Landforms & Bodies of Water 2: Geography and landforms
  50. Landforms- Types of Land:Landforms from A-Z
  51. Landforms-Face of the Earth:What landforms look like all over the earth
  52. Landmarks: US Landmarks.
  53. Landmarks : American Landmarks.
  54. Landmarks: US Symbols and Landmarks.
  55. Landmarks:US National Landmarks.
  56. Landmarks:US Landmarks by state.
  57. Map Games
  58. Maps Useful links to help create maps.
  59. Map Practice.
  60. Missions: California Missions: Footsteps of History California Missions.
  61. Missions: California MissionsThinkquest library
  62. Missions: California Mission Trail California State Parks Department
  63. Missions: California Missions More spanish mission of California facts
  64. Missions: California Mission Life Information on mission life
  65. Missions: California Mission Resource Center Historial information
  66. Missions: Explore California's 21 Missions
  67. Missions: Virtual Trip 21 Missions
  68. Missions: California's 21 Mission Project Turn SOUND down first
  69. Native More native american links than you could imagine.
  70. Native Americans: California Indian Tribes: California Tribes, a detailed map and resources.
  71. Pilgrims and more...: information about pilgrims, the Mayflower,
  72. Pirates: Become a pirate and go on a high seas adventure...or walk the plank!
  73. States: 50 States Information
  74. States: 50 States and Capitals: Learn the 50 states, their capitals and much, much, more
  75. States: 50 State Chart Facts about each state
  76. States: 50 State Map Game Quiz .
  77. States: How Many States Can You Name in 10 Minutes?: Test your knowledge of the 50 states
  78. States: Can You Name the 50 US States? How many can you name?
  79. States: Stately Knowledge Pick a state and find information on capitals, population and more
  80. States: States Map Puzzle:
  81. States: The United States got their names 1 Find out where the states got their names.
  82. States: The United States got their names 2 Find out where the states got their names.
  83. States: Origin Of The State's Name:
  84. States: The US 50 Facts about the 50 states
  85. States: Where is THAT?: A FUNBRAIN map game where you identify countries and states.
  86. Stock Market: The Crash 0f 1929: A list of links about the event
  87. Stock Market: NY Times Thursday, October 24, 1929:A newspaper article about the event
  88. Underground Railroad
  89. Underground Railroad National Geographic The Journey. Freedom means a hard, dangerous trek.
  90. White House for Kids: Learn White House, the history, the President, the White House pets!
  91. World & News: Find information on countries, world history, flags and maps
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