SBAC 2015

Smarter Balanced

SBAC@Nye 2014-2015


  • Student Equation Response Tools Practice testing tools here
  • There is a sample test that students can preview, select Training Test.
  • Student directions "How to Login to the SBAC Practice Test."
  • The day of test students select Smarter Balanced Secure Browser from Testing Device


To Begin Each Test

  1. The day of testing teachers must set up a test session (generating a test ID#) for testing their class.
  2. Students Click Smarter Balanced Secure Browser to Begin Test
  3. Teacher/Test Administrator Click HERE to start Test Session

Select TA Interface to login into test.

Prior to scheduled testing date, there are sample tests that teachers and students should preview. To preview select Training Test. Enter GUEST in each of the 3 fields. If you would like to preview tests at home remember to use Safari, Firefox or Chrome.

Teachers should watch the tutorials at least 5 days prior to testing, no password necessary to view tutorials.

It's critical that teachers know how to set up the testing session in TIDE and monitor student testing prior to your scheduled test date.

Additional Support

Nye Teachers here is a complete list of all tutorials:

It's critical that teachers know how to set up the testing session in TIDE and monitor student testing prior to your scheduled test date.

CAASPP Resources

caaspp  Logo

See Resources and Documentation for supporting materials related to the Practice and Training Tests, including information about other devices supported for testing.

  1. Test Administration Creating a Test Session run time 13:56 minutes
  2. SDUSD Smarter Balanced Resource Page
  3. SBAC Manuals and User Guides
  4. Classroom Activities for Performance Tasks
  5. Scoring Guides
  7. Performance Task Writing Rubrics
  8. Test Administrator Resources
  9. California CST Grade 5 Science (DFAs) Directions for Administration

It's critical that teachers know how to set up the testing session in (TIDE) and monitor student testing.

California Standard Tests (CSTs) Grade 5 Science Only

General Information


The CSTs for Science are multiple-choice tests. Items on these tests are developed by California educators and test developers and are written specifically to assess students' achievement of California's academic content standards in science.

Who Takes the CSTs?

The CSTs for Science are multiple-choice tests that are required for all students in grades 5, 8, and 10.

2015 Test Materials

Directions for Administration (DFAs)

SBAC Secure Browsers (for iMacs, iPads and Netbooks)

(Manaully installed onto Macs and Macbooks that do not receive pushed software from SDUSD IT Dept)


Macintosh 10.5 (Intel) Mac Secure Browser 6.5
Macintosh 10.6-10.10 Mac Secure Browser 7.2


If browsers DID NOT install during District Software PUSH or SBAC Program Won't Launch

Scenario 4:
Alternate Installation - The Smarter Balanced software did not install and is not available in Run Advertised Programs OR there is an issue with the Run Advertised Programs Installation.

Please use the following link and Job Aid to install the Smarter Balanced Software. Note: There will be no need for additional computer permissions to install this and even students can conduct the installation while logged in as needed.

Smarter Balanced Alternate Installation
Smarter Balanced Alternate Installation Job Aid


Note: There is a sticker on the back of the iPad cart with the cart room as needed. This will be useful to know which cart account to use if not sure.
Step 1: Update the iOS on theiPad (if not done already)

Update all of the iPads in thecart to the most recent iOS (iPad Operating System). Please see thefollowing link for instructions:

  • Updating to the most recent iOS will ensure that Automatic App Lock will be enabled so there will be no need for manual applocking or app locking via the Mobile Device Manager
  • Updating to the most recent iOS will ensurethat the iPad app will function properly

iPad - Changing Auto-Lock Time

Please see the following instructions for changing the Auto-Lock time on the iPad. Per teacher feedback, the Auto-Lock time should be set a 15 minutes.

Auto-Lock - Setting the Time to Auto-Lock

More SBAC Resources








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